
∫openload Shojadel Movie Stream

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Creator - اُمید الفُ
Bio ‏‏‏6

8,6 / 10 Star
release Date - 1995
countries - USA
Writer - Randall Wallace
duration - 2 H 58 min
918545 vote
Even though this movie is not perfect, it's still a pretty entertaining war thriller which keeps the viewer interested despite the fact that it's almost 3 hours long.
After William Wallace's lover is killed, he decides to start an uprising against the cruel English ruler Edward the Longshanks in hopes of inheriting the crown of Scotland for himself.
This movie does have many memorable scenes. The 2 battle sequences in the movie are memorable and the ending is also very memorable. This move is very quotable also. It clearly has a few iconic quotes. Examples of the iconic quotes are "They may take away our land, but they'll never take away out freedom! and when Mel Gibson yells "Freedom! The acting is okay. It isn't the best performance by Mel Gibson but it's also not bad. There are a few cringeworthy moments but not too many. All of the other supporting actors just gave decent performances. They weren't bad but they also weren't very impressive.
This movie is clearly violent but sometimes its violence can be distracting because the movie gets a little carried away with its style. Some scenes include a man getting thrown off a platform and getting impaled on a wooden pike and a man getting shot by an arrow in his butt. Those scenes are several others can take the viewer out of certain battle sequences because they are kind of ridiculous.
Also, the movie does have its historical inaccuracies. The inaccuracies mainly revolve around the princess of Wales. Granted, the movie would be a little more boring if it didn't include these inaccuracies but the movie still should've tried to find a way around them. I'm sure that it could've been done.
But despite what I said, I do feel that this is a pretty entertaining war film. However, I don't think that this is one of the best war films out there and I feel that there are much better ones. I also think that Mel Gibson has made better movies.




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